Year 21

Most people set goals and evaluate their lives in January. I do in December. Why? because that is the month in which I said ‘yes’ to following God and living my life for him. This December makes 21 years since I made that decision. What is interesting is that leading into year 21, I have found myself struggling with a few things…nothing ‘bad’ or ’embarrasing’ but the kind of things that will creep up without much warning. Just a little background….I am the type who is always on the go…looking for something to get into…want to travel the world and conquer everything in my path. But slowly, something else has happened: I have felt myself getting comfortable and falling into the idea of ‘having a comfortable life.’ For instance, I have a stable job, I’ve lived in the same house for 3 years and the thought of moving has started to become a burden, wanting to make sure my kids have a ‘cool room’…just things like that. The things that dont matter. Things that if I accept them, can keep me from where God wants me.

So, for many reasons, God has changed my path…shaken things up for me. After this month, I will no longer be a pastor at LifeChurch. I have felt like God is saying “you have done all you could do at for 3 years and now you are done.” I have accepted a job of nanny for the time being and will be taking time to reflect, refresh, and spend some extra time with my kids. I dont feel this is a long term thing, but something God has led me to do. I think this will be a good time for me to re-define who I am…not have my identity preset for me with the LC model of what pastor/administrator/whatever other hat I have worn in the past 5 years does…..but as a child of God. I will no longer have a ‘built in’ way to minister to people and I am sure I will be stretched in new ways. I think all of that is why I now really love Christine’s idea of leaving light behind where you have been and it  is so fresh in my mind. I will be in many different places than I have been…not surrounded daily by other Christians constantly (due to the nature of my job), but to reconnect more with the world and everyone in it.

I look forward to this year….I can’t help but feel there is something really big about to happen….a feeling of anticipation. I have many things to be excited for and I think that I will be able to jump in again ready to conquer the world with a fresh perspective.

Now for you….what things in your life are possibly keeping you from going wherever God is leading you? What will you do different in the next year?

Explore posts in the same categories: My Personal Journey

2 Comments on “Year 21”

  1. Sounds like you’re stepping out into your next great adventure. I always admire those who can do that without being absolutely sure of the next step….

  2. Joy Says:

    I am so intrigued by your decision. I just heard this past week that you are stepping away from your current role @ LC. I am interested ti watch as you share some of your journey here on the blogosphere.
    I certainly applaud your courage and willingness to ‘jump’! wheeeeeeeeeeee…

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