Focusing This Blog

For those who have followed this blog over the past several months probably have realized it has been a bit of a rambling stream of consciousness. At this point, I’ve decided it best to try to focus this blog a bit and make it more easy to navigate by adding “categories” (see links on the right toolbar) of the three topics I feel I should be blogging about:

-Into The World: I strongly believe that we are all called to love and serve one another….to care about our neighbors both locally, and all around the world. This section will be devoted to discussion on practical ways to live that out.

-Intentional Family: For parents, life seems to fly by and our kids get older way too fast. Too often I’m seeing families drift apart and I believe the underlying reason for this is the lack of quality time spent together that families build their relationships on. This section will be devoted to practical ways that families can spend meaningful time together….whether that is a week, day, or 5 minutes. Check this section often as some ideas I blog about will be time sensitive if they are involving a local event.

-My Personal Journey: This section started out as a way for me to keep my family and friends in the loop of what we are up to, but I will continue this section as my personal journey in life, and in growing in Christ…not that I think I’m really interesting, but in hopes that somewhere along the way I can encourage others who may be going through similar situations and to know they are not alone, because we can all learn from each others journeys.

Explore posts in the same categories: Intentional Family, Into The World, My Personal Journey

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