Yet Another New Chapter….

Today marks yet another new chapter in the life of the Pierce family and I add another ‘name to my credentials.’ You may now refer to me as Mrs. Tiffany Pierce B.S., wife, mother, pastor, volunteer, maid, taxi driver, homeschool mom. Got that?? (Just kidding…please don’t call me that!)

But in all seriousness, it seems a little surreal that my kids are old enough to be starting K and Pre-K today. It seems like we’ve talked for so long about homeschooling and when we would start, that its strange that the day is finally here.

As for the process, I have spent the last week preparing, trying to decide when and how to go about it, creating schedules and getting myself mentally ready. Who knows how long our system will work, but today it seemed to work well and I feel really good about the style of our curriculum and where we are headed.

The boys are excited, we are excited. And most importantly, I feel we made the right choice to homeschool. I realize it is not possible/right  for every family for a variety of reasons, but if this is something you have had on your heart to do but have never taken the leap, I would encourage you to. It’s really not that scary or overwhelming once you have the initial decisions made and you hit the first day.

If you click HERE you can see the faces of two happy little boys students eager to take on the world.

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