Poverty & Change: Not just an adult conversation…

Often, the messages about global poverty are aimed at adults…which makes sense since adults are the ones who have the most influence and financial donation capabilities.


What if we include our kids??? Instead of global development organizations struggling to spread the word of global poverty and how it can be ended, WHAT IF a whole new generation grows up already educated on what is happening, and know what they can do and already taken a role in change?? 

Parents, educators, churches, friends, family, neighbors….take note of what kids are around you… How can you draw them into the conversation and help them take action now…not ‘when they are older,’ or ‘another day,’ or ‘when they can understand more,’ but NOW. Now is the time to help them on their journey…..one towards a better future for all!

Here are a few ways my kids have been involved:

  1. Child Sponsorship through Food for the Hungry: We sponsor 3 kids on 3 different continents. Not only do my kids have the coolest penpals, but they learn about other cultures, and how life is the same/different there. They know each month we donate $32 towards long term development and how that community is seeing change from not only from financial contributions, but from encouragement. I HIGHLY recommend this to everyone. Click HERE for the link to finding out more information….let me know if you sponsor a kid! 🙂
  2. Game: Quest for Compassion: An online game for kids that lets them travel around the world experiencing culture, and what challenges might be faced. Its from another reliable organization and free. Click HERE
  3. Watch for opportunities: You never know what opportunity will present itself (watch for my upcoming Holiday Idea List). Today, I was invited to a ONE letter writing party to show support for the (measly) 1% of the 2012 Federal budget that is going to oversees development/aid. Instead of just writing my letter and leaving, I let me own kid write a letter to Senator McCain as well, and read through the slide show and explained they poverty cycle to them.  (And by the way, he came up with his letter ALL on his own! I only wrote what he told me!)                             

Basically, it comes down to being intentional…and this issue of poverty is well worth the effort to bring today’s kids into the conversation. Get creative, get them involved, help change happen.

Explore posts in the same categories: Intentional Family, Into The World

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